How to Promote your Website Launch

Fás X Fís
4 min readDec 9, 2021


After weeks of planning, creating, and developing, it is now time to launch your website! This can be a really exciting yet scary time for you as a business owner. Therefore, in this article, we are going to teach you 5 simple steps on how to promote your new site before it has even launched so that when it does, you will already have people queuing up to buy!

1.Create a Lead Magnet:

A lead magnet is basically something you give away for free to drive traffic to your website or to collect email addresses. This must be connected to your business or brand and offer value to your customers. Various things you could offer are workbooks, e-books, guides, downloadable prints, templates, webinars, quizzes, free consultation, etc. Offering these types of resources will not only increase website traffic, but also increase email sign-ups and people viewing you as an authority and expert in your particular industry.

2. Create A Captivating Landing Page:

Even if your site isn’t ready to go live, you still want to have something to direct people to. Creating a landing page can be super fun and creative and is actually pretty easy to do, especially if you use a platform such as Squarespace or WordPress to build your site. Your landing page should let people know when you will be launching! You should also have a strong “Call to Action” encouraging people to download or sign up for your lead magnet that we discussed above! (A call to action is basically just a word that you can use to tell people what you want them to do. For example, Shop Now, Download, Learn More, etc.)

3. Email Sequence:

Now that you have shared your free resources and collected email addresses, it is now time to send out a short sequence of emails to help drive even more traffic to your site. You should keep people in the loop of any new product launches, discounts, or promotions you are offering in the future. You can use sites such as Mailchimp, Mailerlite or Campaign Monitor to create your emails and automate them. Follow the below sequence and watch your traffic increase:

Email 1: Welcome Email

First, send a simple email, welcoming your new subscribers. Tell them how happy you are that they have joined your community and what they can expect from you & your business in the future.

Email 2: About Us

In this email, you are going to tell your subscribers what it is that you do and sell. Make sure to include plenty of images and keep the text short and to the point. Remember to always add a button or link at the bottom of your email encouraging the reader to take the exact action you would like them to.

Email 3: Website Launching soon

In this email, you are going to promote the launch of your new website. This is a great way to start creating buzz and hype around your new website before it launches. Add a countdown, some sneak-peek images, and possibly an early access code for people to get a small discount on the day the website goes live!

Email 4: Product Preview

Send this email a day or two before your website launch. You have got people excited with your previous email, so now it’s time to get them even more excited by showcasing some of the amazing products they are going to be able to purchase very soon from your site! Remember to tell them exactly when the site is going to launch with a countdown and re-encourage them to use their “Early Access” discount code.

Email 5: Website Now Live!

A lot of times people launch their website and forget to tell anyone! The final email of your sequence will announce to your subscribers that you have officially launched your site! Make sure you create a lot of excitement in this email by including a lot of images and product descriptions! Once again, encourage people to use a discount code and “Shop Now Before They Sell Out”.

Remember when sending out emails, to use really captivating subject lines to grab the readers’ attention immediately!

4. Show off on Social Media:

While waiting for your Website to be built, invest all of your time and energy into your Social Media profiles. Post every single day showing off your products, talking about your services, discussing your business, giving sneak-peeks of the website or behind the scenes. Take part in trends and increase your engagement with people within your industry and their audience. Remember to encourage people to head to your landing page to download your lead magnet by inputting their email address. (You see how it’s all starting to connect!)

5. Optimize and Index:

One of the most important things to do when building a website is to Search Engine, and Mobile, optimize it. When we build websites for our clients, we spend a lot of time adding keywords and descriptions to every single page and image on the site. We test the website on our phones, tablets, and various sized laptops and desktops to ensure it is functional on all. We also submit the sitemap to Google Search Console to request indexing, which basically means we let Google know we exist! This is really important to do before you launch so that you can start ranking on Google immediately!

Building a website for your business is only one small cog in a huge machine. It is really important that you promote your site by using the steps above to ensure you have a really successful launch. We don’t just create websites, we can also help you create your lead magnets, landing pages, and email sequences. Get in touch with us below to find out more!



Fás X Fís

A digital marketing company focused on helping small businesses with their online journey.